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Regular price $55.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 USD
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Banana is one of the most important commercial tropical fruits traded. Eve was said to have used banana leaves to cover he modesty in the Garden of Paradise as revealed from antiquity. Banana is thus called “Apple of Paradise”. It is also known as “Adam Fig”. Banana is a type of fruit from herbaceous plants of the genus MusaMusa species grow in a wide range of environments and have varied human uses, ranging from the edible bananas and plantains of the tropics to cold-hardy fiber and ornamental plants. They have been a staple of the human diet since the dawn of recorded history. These large, perennial herbs, 2–9 m in height, evolved in Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and the Indian subcontinent, developing in modern time is secondary loci of genetic diversity in Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific.
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